THEME: The Runner
Shows the use of Mondi the creature's powerful spells upon the Tribes and people of AGORA
Peforms a mood of fear anger and divided a long a victory of the village of Agora and mount Nora
Played movement of common Restless shadows of shapes is derived from emotion on the people
that's seen from Mondi's Toture towards the tribes Riches.
The Runner is a confined story of mistery that turns the raise of science, Nature and fiction that
brings a long an evil creature Mondi aganist the village of Agora 's Riches of Pot and Gold with
this seen is the supersititious spells of magic of fire and Tradition misleading performance of
formed storms that remain to stumble bettween the lives tribes.
Out of casts are Tabi and Magu humble earthly creatures from the village of Agora. Tabi as a
witch whose arround to fairly protect the village's earthly riches and respect from spells.
However on The village of Agora a Girl and Boy are Born, Dufy and Kimble to rejoin and
capture Mondi from the tribes Riches and his major distractions of cast spells. eating the humans
and burry them. and taking all their Jewelery, Pot of Gold.
The Tribes however Declare for Mondi's cruelity and power should have Tabi, Duffy and Kimble
have him over throwned there after.
Tabi with Dufy and Kimble walk to the mountain Nora to the tribes of wise men and woman
of Agora to the Riches of Jewelery, Pot of Gold, and from Mondi. while on the mountain fighting
against Mondi, Tabi at the age of 95 years old dies while in her spills of witchcraft spells in a fire.
Duffy and Kimble after death of their mother Tabi are from their mothers powers among Tabi's
children Kimble the grown and non tedious to approach because of her magical powers to fly and
cast witchcraft spells common to her mother kills the creature Mondi, with a lightening and spells.
The Runner by Michael Alfred Timbiti
Foot steps of Rusty ragged and black corn Fire laid down by magic and a loud sound of running
and fear against tribes of Agora., steamed rising is the flames of fire and heat of a trembled day in
Agora on mount Nora. when the sun sets and dark shadows of the clouds behind the uncontentious
angry people.
Mondi, Known as the goddess and king to all.He opens his eyes wide and mouth and breathes out
of greed and anger deeply as the fire and storm flows. mondi is mid 40's, wide deeply toned cold
muscular arms and unattractive as his given born as a goddess from the mountain coming into grip
is the village with subdivisions of hatched houses large grass and spirals that places the lot to occur.
The large grass and spirals, is what brings to get abolished aganist the village and it's tribes on paving
the subdivision of their Riches, and wealth Jewelery. which they have wisely for years.
the mood of emotions is the aggressive hills, and houses, where the villagers seem continuously
battled and thrilled by the goddess and his victorious greed towards everyone talking about his plan
on ending his victory because of his exploitation and labor.
Tabi while in the village sits in the house performing her greed magical spell hanging out . duffy is
on his knees admiring the working spell. afraid of what will happen to the people in the village.
Mondi falls forward back and forth. pointedly at the houses and jewelery of the tribes while staredly
expectantly rejoicing visible action.and uncomfortable silence of the embrassement that he seems to
spread to others.duffy comes to rescue responds, with sincerity
A Flood in the village with large flow, speeding upon on top of the mountain with uncomfortably brokensilence, on the way Tabi with duffy try to get and cast spell but they cant.
Mondi and Tabi are droping large drapes of fire and duffy is silent again she then opens her mouth a
loud and signs loudly
Mondi continues to rumble and knocks out the villagers leading to a stabbed fight bettween them. Mondi and Kimble with the back kid in the middle fly down with a roared light.
Mondi turns around up own from the missing jewelery and pot of gold caught bettween his arms.
Hey....,you there, he says to the kid, do you know where you are? at the expenses of grief Iam going to
burry you.
At Tabi's house Kimble and duffy are trembled he cant go on with his evil. then Tabi tries to bring out
sounds and flames of groans to avoid exploiatation.
you Roar........., Roar, little woman., Mondi as he emerges towards her Tabi opens a bright flame fire and
trys to rejoin with Mondi and she runs. your turn kids sounds of scream hallowed threats.
One more chance for the village to give up their Pot of Gold, Jewelery, Beads." No Chance you moroan
one way on the other Tabi persists on fighting for the tribes in the grassed trees. you wana do that at the
end of his trope he pulls his beard and triggers hysterical form of smoke.
My turn, says Tabi. she raises the fire aiming to mondi and click click!!!! it loads and she triggers him to
die in the fire. Kimble aged 12 years old, and Duffy agree to go on a journey to the village to go back and
have mondi dead. while in the village Tabi raises the fire aiming to Mondi again click click!!!! and loads and
she dies
you should have seen yourselves to not try this, " Mondi welcomes with his laugh around his head and
patched shoulder slim Iam going to take everything Kimble 12, who has Tabi' s powers to perform magical
spells,fly folds and takes away mondi with a flight of fogged spells and light.
Script Animatic Bible/Pitch
Theme: The Runner
The story takes place in the village of AGORA on Mount (NORA)
MAGUA Husband had Tabi and Father to Tabi and Duffy
MONDI An evil man living on the mountain NORA aged 50 years old big in stature and rather
harmful, but clearly runs the Village and Tribes.
TABI a woman aged 40, a beautiful slim Tiny young tall and balded stays little but grows old
and dies at 95 years old
Duffy a 6 year old son and who knows nothing about the evil and cruelty of Mondi
Kimble aged 12, an independent and yet suddenly powerful and thinks to end evil.
Screenplay by:Magu, Mondi, Tabi, Duffy, Kimble Based on a story of science and fiction By
Michael Alfred Timbiti
In an evening, Tribes have discovered a evil creature is hiding in the village and is angry, fearful
and replaces casts of fire, smoke, and myth.
The tribes have centered for Generic Research their being uncomfortably Infused by control of
natural enemity over their wealth that will dispense to line force and energy to host the
triumph warrior to inflict pain,and transformed walk and Body form of his constant attacks of the
village in the need for respect for Respect and Humanity
Being Un Conquerable lies himself with strong alias towards the tribes catch
TABI the witch
We used to wonder he forces to live and now it's inside ourselves to stop him
a video Image Tabi to life this evening we going on this day to witness an ever told triumph
throw of an evil feel to touch down the mountains I feel fire and pretty good today to know.
Tribes and visibility limitation of who slit and ascends to slit this creature down.
INT. Magu and Tabi Duffy s day. Magu climbs carry's, behind Tabi the back flares to lift
Tabi to hospital Kimble birth flash points of lights from Mondi being switched on MAGU shouts
Mondi is coming
Dont be afraid and recognizes a place to hide and deathly silent, from Mondi Kimble is born and
ascends with wings of deathly power
INT TABI, Kimble, Duffy
Kimble climbs the mountain to settle mondi with Kimble and Duffy beautiful day the reads are
littered with silence and the AGORA village is terrified from mondi's Resurrection on the village.
Tabi continues to listen she spots a dive way turns into it.
EXT TABI- Kimbles Day
High on a mountain. Kimble sits on an abordorned Rock and ulter to despair mondi. Come out and
fight a desolate wind whistles and he throws fire balls and Duffy runs
INT Mondi -Kimble/Kimble's control Day
Kimble adjusts and fights with a light and spell and blows mondi's head off
Good morning AGORA. Here we away we come with good news this morning I am afraid every morning, morning through evening, seven days long Terrific there's none. Mondi has despise our village any more.
She glances to her right holds kimbles hand high. The powers are shattered, by kimble, covered with her here's our Hero.
Tabi loughs surprisingly loud
Tribes of AGORA
Hhaaa.......Hhaaa........ they lough with great appearance. Today and every day they walk away.
All you had to do was show up(Tabi) (more silence then Tabi old at 95 dies
Kimble's crowned Hero Draws of settled drums sound
The tribes pull. Kimble close
The evening sun breaks through and lights a path to the future.
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