Monday, 11 June 2012

Research Final film Proposal

Experimental Films

Part 1

                                              Ballet Mechanique by William Moritz Surrealist

       Abstract Films  Photography/ Live action Experimental Films by William Moritz Surrealist            

Monday, 4 June 2012

                Purged A gothic short animation and Experimental film
                By James Lee                                      

                                  "Bolero"FULL VERSION animatiom a film by Bruno Bozetto


Allegro Non Troppo" The film directed by Bruno Bozzetto.
Ravel's Boléro, some slime oozes out of a Coca-Cola bottle.
It progresses through fanciful representations of the stages of evolution until man's skyscrapers destroy all that has come before
                                         Fragments of Shortfilms by Zbigniew Zbig Rybczynski