Sunday, 30 October 2011

Research on Editing

 Continuity Editing

A Predominant style of filming and video editing that coresponds to postproduction of making films of narating a story in a film and television programs

Purporse of continuity editing

Smooths over the inherent disconuity of projecting the editing process through establishing bettween shots which is achieved by cutting to continuity to emphasize  a smooth transition of time and pace where some films incoporate cutting to continuity of shots for examples the Montage techinque.that explains the use of symbolic ideas bettween shots rather than association of simple physical action for it's continuity

Common techniques of continuity editing

Temporal continuity and spartial continuity that work aganist a sense of continuity.

Gives the viewer a concrete physical narration to follow, or discontinuous, that causes the viewer disorientation or interpretation or reaction

Montage techniques
A Fadeout a gradual  transformation of an image seen to black
A dissolve as a similtaneous overlapping transition from estarblishing one shot to another that does not involve an instaneous cut or change in brightneess.
Both  forms of transiton( fade and dissolve) create an ambigious measure of ellipses that consitute of narrative days, months, years.

The Flash back
Explains a relocation of time within a story, or more accurately a window through the viewer can see what's happening

Cross- cuting involves a technique that's conveyed by an undeniable spatial discontinuity to achieve by cutting back.

 In continuity film editing: The cutting edge  of  Magic of movie editing(Abridged Version) Part 1

Some of  that been found of interet to the movies i have watched.Examples
The Great Train Robbery Thomas A.Edison
Independence day

The Great Train Robbery Thomas A.Edison

  Editing Techniques of the movie is predominantly shown to where the editor and  director  depicts emotion  where relativaly shots being   used  show a timing and pace of movement of the subjects is less seen and lacks dialogue and use of frames

 Example 2 of  editing continuity  Independence day

a site  to the film editing and movies

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Photography Reel

Life Drawing

Part 1
Male standing Nude figure drawing. mediums used pen.

    Part 2
     Timming and movement, walking cycles

                                                                                                                   Movement of walking cylces

Part 3
Male Nude sitting figure pen and ink

Part 4
Male Nude sitting Figure  Medium  used Charcocal 

Life Drawing is a subject that ideally express one's feelings, to comminicate through use of different mediums to sought understand animation. the drawings are samples of my works that i have done so far. at the beggining on taking up the MA course.