Sunday, 20 November 2011

Research White Board Stop motion Animation Marker Marker A Short film by Ecrhart Tolle

                                           Example 1: White Board Stop Motion Animation Marker Marker
  Research Description
 A Technique described and fun to experiment and draw with in creating a story,
  that has inspired me and will use in my Taxonomy short film on War   

                    Example 2: Rhetoric White Board Animation. A Bull dog, Fireworks, Earth with  buildings

Research on Chrystallis

A chrysalis (Latin chrysallis, from Greek χρυσαλλίς = chrysallís, pl: chrysalides) or nympha is the pupal stage of butterflies. The term is derived from the metallic gold-coloration found in the pupae of many butterflies, referred to by the Greek term χρυσός (chrysós) for gold.
When the caterpillar is fully grown, it makes a button of silk which it uses to fasten its body to a leaf or a twig. Then the caterpillar's skin comes off for the final time. Under this old skin is a hard skin called a chrysalis.[4]
Because chrysalides are often showy and are formed in the open, they are the most familiar examples of pupae. Most chrysalides are attached to a surface by a Velcro-like arrangement of a silken pad spun by the caterpillar, usually cemented to the underside of a perch, and the cremaster, a hook-shaped protuberance from the rear of the chrysalis at the tip of the pupal abdomen by which the caterpillar fixes itself to the pad of silk.
Like other types of pupae, the chrysalis stage in most butterflies is one in which there is little movement. However, some butterfly pupae are capable of moving the abdominal segments to produce sounds or to scare away potential predators. Within the chrysalis, growth and differentiation occur. The adult butterfly emerges (ecloses) from this and expands its wings by pumping haemolymph into the wing veins.[5] Although this sudden and rapid change from pupa to imago is often called metamorphosis, metamorphosis is really the whole series of changes that an insect undergoes from egg to adult.
On emerging the butterfly uses a liquid which softens the shell of the chrysalis. Additionally, it uses two sharp claws located on the thick joints at the base of the forewings to help make its way out. [6] Having emerged from the chrysalis, the butterfly will usually sit on the empty shell in order to expand and harden its wings. However, if the chrysalis was near the ground (such as if it fell off from its silk pad), the butterfly would find another vertical surface to rest upon and harden its wings (such as a wall or fence).
Moth pupae are usually dark in color and either formed in underground cells, loose in the soil, or their pupa is contained in a protective silk case called a cocoon.
It is important to differentiate between pupa, chrysalis and cocoon. The pupa is the stage between the larva and adult stages. The chrysalis is a butterfly pupa. A cocoon is a silk case that moths, and sometimes other insects, spin around the pupa.

[edit] Cocoon

The tough brown cocoon of an Emperor Gum Moth
A cocoon is a casing spun of silk by many moth caterpillars,[7] and numerous other holometabolous insect larvae as a protective covering for the pupa.
Cocoons may be tough or soft, opaque or translucent, solid or meshlike, of various colors, or composed of multiple layers, depending on the type of insect larva producing it. Many moth caterpillars shed the larval hairs (setae) and incorporate them into the cocoon; if these are urticating hairs then the cocoon is also irritating to the touch. Some larvae attach small twigs, fecal pellets or pieces of vegetation to the outside of their cocoon in an attempt to disguise it from predators. Others spin their cocoon in a concealed location – on the underside of a leaf, in a crevice, down near the base of a tree trunk, suspended from a twig or concealed in the leaf litter.[8]
The silk in the cocoon of the silk moth can be unravelled to get silk fibre which makes this moth the most economically important of all Lepidopterans. The moth is the only completely domesticated Lepidopteran and does not exist in the wild.
Insects that pupate in a cocoon must escape from it, and they do this either by the pupa cutting its way out, or by secreting fluids that soften the cocoon. Some cocoons are constructed with built-in lines of weakness along which they will tear easily from inside, or with exit holes that only allow a one-way passage out; such features facilitate the escape of the adult insect after it emerges from the pupal skin.

Example 1: Chrystallis that i will represent as Life and Death going through it's stages and formation in Metamorphosis into a butterfly.
                                             My part 1; 1 min Short film Drip,Splat, Boing.

                        My Sample Test 1: Abstract  Chrystallis metamorphosis transformation .Drip, Splat, Boing
                        Technique i used: Paint on Glass stop motion animation

                                           Sample Test  part  2: Stop motion, Chrystallis metamorphosis transformation.
                                          Technique used; Line Testing Ernest

Story board : Emotional How to make a cup of Tea


Story Board a Documentary taking a Journey on a Bus



Saturday, 19 November 2011

Research Paint on Glass animation

Paint-on-glass animation is a technique for making animated films by manipulating slow-drying oil paints on sheets of glass. Gouache mixed with glycerine is sometimes used instead. The most well-known practitioner of the technique is Russian animator Aleksandr Petrov; he has used it in seven films, all of which have won numerous awards.


  • Agamurad Amanov (Агамурад Аманов)

  • *Tuzik (Тузик) (2001)

  • *Childhood's Autumn, Осень детства (Osen detstva) (2005) (with Yekatirina Boykova)

  • Martine Chartrand

  • *Black Soul (2000)

  • Witold Giersz

  • *Little Western (Maly Western) (1960)

  • *Red and Black (Czerwone i czarne) (1963)

  • *Horse (Kon) (1967)

  • *The Stuntman (Kaskader) (1972)

  • *Fire (Pozar) (1975)

  • Aleksey Karayev (Алексей Караев)

  • *Welcome, Добро пожаловать (Dobro pozhalovat) (1986)

  • *The Lodgers of an Old House, Жильцы старого дома (Zhiltsy starovo doma) (1987)

  • *I Can Hear You, Я вас слышу (Ya vas slyshu) (1992)

  • Caroline Leaf

  • *The Street (1976)

  • Marcos Magalhães

  • *Animando (1987) (partially; instructive film)

  • Natalya Orlova (Наталья Орлова)

  • *Hamlet (1992)

  • *King Richard III (1994)

  • *Moby Dick, Моби Дик (1999)

  • Aleksandr Petrov (Александр Петров) (was art director on Karayev's Welcome in 1986)

  • *The Cow, Корова (Korova) (1989)

  • *The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, Сон смешного человека (Son smeshnovo cheloveka) (1992)

  • *The Mermaid, Русалка (Rusalka) (1997)

  • *The Old Man and the Sea (1999)

  • *Winter Days, 冬の日 (Fuyu no hi) (2003) (segment)

  • *My Love, Моя любовь (Moya lyubov) (2006)

  • Georges Schwizgebel

  • *The Man With No Shadow, (L'homme sans ombre) (2004)

  • *Retouches, (Retouches) (2008)

  • Vladimir Samsonov

  • *The Winter, Зима (Zima) (1979)

  • *Brightness, Блики (Bliki) (1981)

  • *Contrasts, Контрасты (Kontrasty) (1981)

  • *Contours, Контуры (Kontury) (1981)

  • *Masquerade, Маскарад (Maskarad) (1981)

  • *Still Life, Натюрморт (Natyurmort) (1981)

  • *Restoration, Реставрация (Restavratsiya) (1981)

  • *The Little Sun, Солнышко (Solnyshko) (1981)

  • *The Snail, Улитка (Ulitka) (1981)

  • *Magic Trick, Фокус (Fokus) (1981)

  • *Coloured Music, Цветомузыка (Tsvetomuzyka) (1981)

  • *The Bumblebee, Шмель (Shmel) (1981)

  • *Mood, Настроение (Nastroyeniye) (1982)

  • *The Landscape, Пейзаж (Peyzazh) (1982)

  • *Rendez-Vous, Свидание (Svidaniye) (1982)

  • *The Magpie, Сорока (Soroka) (1982)

  • *The Motif, Мотив (Motiv) (1984)

  • *Waiting for..., Ожидание (Ozhidaniye) (1984)

  • *Miniatures, Миниатюры (Miniatyury) (1985)

  • *Miniatures - 86, Миниатюры - 86 (Miniatyury - 86) (1986)

  • Boris Stepantsev

  • *The Song About the Falcon, Песня о соколе (Pesnya o sokole) (1967)

  • Wendy Tilby

  • *Strings (1991)

  • See also

  • Animation techniques

  • Painting

  • External links

  • Comments and tips from paint-on-glass animators

  • Animation in the Post-Industrial Era (mentions many of the above animators)

  • Pascal Blais Studio - here you can see clips of Petrov's animations (enter the English site, then click on "directors")

  • Category:Animation techniques Category:Glass art
    de:Öl-auf-Glas-Animation fr:Peinture animée ru:Живопись по стеклу
    This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.

    Inspired  Paint on Glass videos, and techniques i will apply to my 1 min  short film Chrysalis

                                              Example 1: Paint on Glass Animation showing an experiment of a short film
                                              using the technique.

                                             Example 2: paint on glass animation showing a variety of drops of objects
                                             disappearing space to create balance and form.

                                               Example 3: paint on glass morphs that's much more abstract.

                                              Example 4: Paint on Glass 1 min animation experiment.

                                              Example 5: Paint on Glass animation experiment done by hand.
                                             website to follow, and study a long, on understanding the technique.

    Sunday, 6 November 2011

    Research on Taxtonomy

    Practice of  science of classification or the result of it
    Definition of Taxonomy.
    The science which deals with the study of identifying grouping and naming organisms according to their established national relationships.

    Taxonomy Dictionary definition  
      A Branch of science concerned with classification of a scheme of classification

    Taxonomy uses.
     Resulting Taxonomy
     Organized by super type  subtype relationships/ or less formally parent child
     Indicated by the "phrase" is a kind of or is a subtype relationship in such appearance

      Taxonomic  units
      Known as tax singular (taxon)

      Taxonomy  timing
    •   Concepts
    •   Places
    •   Inanimate objects
    •   Animate objects
    •   Relationships
    •   Events
    •   Properties

    Examples of Taxonomy

      A Bicycle as a kind of vehicle, that may appear with both parents "vehicle"  and steel "mechanisms", technically, that merely means the 'bicycle' is a part of several different taxonomies.
     Applied relationship schemes other than parent-child hierarchies, such as network structures with type of   relationships. that may include children with multi parents 

    Major Taxonomic levels
    • Kingdom
    • Phylum
    • Class
    • Order
    • Family
    • Genus
    Examples of images with  associative train of Thought of  Emile Durkheim
    Montaparnase Cemetery Tomba Emile Train of Thought
    Example 1 Montaparnase Cemetery Tomba Emile Train of Thought

    Example 2 Le -Socialisme  maitrer Train of thought

    Example 3 Emile's Durkheim Train of Thought The Rules of sociology

    Examples of culture,Train of thought from Adolf Bastian Early  German Romanticism

    Example 4, Train of Thought  Gobustan ancient Azerbaycan culture

    Example 5; Train of thought of Egyptian art Agytischer Maler

    Example 6:  Train of Thought Mehmoon

     Example 7:Train of Thought maternal Bond mother and child

    Example 8:Train of Thought Lucy Skeleton


    Examples of Taxonomy  Train of Thought war films

                                                  Example 9:  Saving the Pivot Ryan by Tom Hanks

                                             Example 10;  Tribute to world war II war films

                                              Example 11; Captured German war films

                                              Example 12: war films Blood Diamond Trailer 1

    Sunday, 30 October 2011

    Research on Editing

     Continuity Editing

    A Predominant style of filming and video editing that coresponds to postproduction of making films of narating a story in a film and television programs

    Purporse of continuity editing

    Smooths over the inherent disconuity of projecting the editing process through establishing bettween shots which is achieved by cutting to continuity to emphasize  a smooth transition of time and pace where some films incoporate cutting to continuity of shots for examples the Montage techinque.that explains the use of symbolic ideas bettween shots rather than association of simple physical action for it's continuity

    Common techniques of continuity editing

    Temporal continuity and spartial continuity that work aganist a sense of continuity.

    Gives the viewer a concrete physical narration to follow, or discontinuous, that causes the viewer disorientation or interpretation or reaction

    Montage techniques
    A Fadeout a gradual  transformation of an image seen to black
    A dissolve as a similtaneous overlapping transition from estarblishing one shot to another that does not involve an instaneous cut or change in brightneess.
    Both  forms of transiton( fade and dissolve) create an ambigious measure of ellipses that consitute of narrative days, months, years.

    The Flash back
    Explains a relocation of time within a story, or more accurately a window through the viewer can see what's happening

    Cross- cuting involves a technique that's conveyed by an undeniable spatial discontinuity to achieve by cutting back.

     In continuity film editing: The cutting edge  of  Magic of movie editing(Abridged Version) Part 1

    Some of  that been found of interet to the movies i have watched.Examples
    The Great Train Robbery Thomas A.Edison
    Independence day

    The Great Train Robbery Thomas A.Edison

      Editing Techniques of the movie is predominantly shown to where the editor and  director  depicts emotion  where relativaly shots being   used  show a timing and pace of movement of the subjects is less seen and lacks dialogue and use of frames

     Example 2 of  editing continuity  Independence day

    a site  to the film editing and movies

    Saturday, 22 October 2011

    Photography Reel

    Life Drawing

    Part 1
    Male standing Nude figure drawing. mediums used pen.

      Part 2
       Timming and movement, walking cycles

                                                                                                                       Movement of walking cylces

    Part 3
    Male Nude sitting figure pen and ink

    Part 4
    Male Nude sitting Figure  Medium  used Charcocal 

    Life Drawing is a subject that ideally express one's feelings, to comminicate through use of different mediums to sought understand animation. the drawings are samples of my works that i have done so far. at the beggining on taking up the MA course.