Monday, 11 June 2012

Research Final film Proposal

Experimental Films

Part 1

                                              Ballet Mechanique by William Moritz Surrealist

       Abstract Films  Photography/ Live action Experimental Films by William Moritz Surrealist            

Monday, 4 June 2012

                Purged A gothic short animation and Experimental film
                By James Lee                                      

                                  "Bolero"FULL VERSION animatiom a film by Bruno Bozetto


Allegro Non Troppo" The film directed by Bruno Bozzetto.
Ravel's Boléro, some slime oozes out of a Coca-Cola bottle.
It progresses through fanciful representations of the stages of evolution until man's skyscrapers destroy all that has come before
                                         Fragments of Shortfilms by Zbigniew Zbig Rybczynski

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

ECT:The Story of two women